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Bài mẫu pie chart

The two pie charts illustrate the distribution of household expenses (sự phân bổ chi tiêu gia đình) in the United Kingdom in 1990 and 2010. The categories of expenditure include housing, transportation, food, and other expenses.
Overall, there were notable changes (sự thay đổi đáng kể) in the spending patterns of UK households over the two decades. Housing and food expenses saw a decrease (nhìn thấy một sự giảm) , while transportation costs increased significantly.
In 1990, the largest portion of household spending was on housing, accounting for 35% (chiếm 35%) of the total expenditures. However, by 2010, there was a considerable decline (sự giảm mạnh) in spending on housing, dropping to 25%.
The second most significant expense in both years was food, representing 25% of household spending (chiếm 25% chi tiêu gia đình) in 1990. Nevertheless, by 2010, there was a notable reduction in food expenses, which accounted for only 20% of the total.
In contrast, transportation expenses witnessed a remarkable increase (tăng rất mạnh) over the two decades. In 1990, only 15% of household spending was allocated (phân bổ) to transportation, whereas in 2010, this figure rose significantly to 30%.
Other expenses, including leisure, education, and healthcare, remained relatively stable (duy trì ở mức tương đối ổn định) at 25% in 1990 and experienced a marginal decrease (sự giảm nhẹ) to 25% in 2010.
To conclude, the distribution of household expenses in the United Kingdom underwent notable changes between 1990 and 2010, with a significant decrease in housing and food spending, and a substantial increase (sự tăng mạnh) in transportation costs.
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