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Hướng dẫn chi tiết dạng bài process (Thầy Anh)

Dang bai process ( Thay Anh)
Bo cuc cua bai quy trinh process
Mo bai: neu quy trinh dung lam gi? ( Can viet lai (paraphrase) de bai)
Overview: Quy trinh gom bao nhieu buoc ( buoc dau va ket thuc)
Than bai: Theo thứ tự Nội dung của từng bước
Ket bai ( co hoac ko)
Chu ý:
– Dung hien tai don, chia bi dong
Cau bi dong
S+ to be ( is/are/am) + p2
After, before
Buoc 1 . Buoc 2
Cach 1: BUoc1. Then, BUoc 2
Cách 2: BUoc 1 Before Buoc 2
Sau before:
- Menh de
- Cum danh tu
- V_ing
Các từ có nghĩa “Tiếp theo”:
Then, and then
after that,
At this point
After which
Mo bai:
The diagram shows the process of….
-> The diagram shows/ illustrates/involves the steps for ….
Viet lai de bai o vi du tren
The diagram involves the steps for recycling plastic bottles.
Cau overview
Cach 1: Overall, there are … steps from… to….
Cach 2: It takes ….. steps from…to….
Ap dung vi du
Overall, there are 7 steps from consumers using plastic bottles to plastic recycled products
Overall, there are 7 steps from plastic bottles used by consumers to plastic recycled products
Overall, there are 7 steps from used plastic bottles to plastic recycled products
Viet than bai
Tu nghia la dau tien
First, initially, in the beginning
Tiep theo: da trinh bay o tren
Cuoi cung: finally, in the end
The first step is that Plastic bottles are used by consumers
Initially, Plastic bottles are used by consumers. Then, Plastic bottles are collected and put in recycling bins. Next, recycling bins are transported to recycling plant.
Then, Plastic bottles are collected and put in recycling bins before being transported to recycling plant.
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