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Tag: speaking part 2
Describe a film that you found really boring
Describe a film that you found really boring You should say: when you saw it what type of film it was what happens in the film and explain why you found it so boring. Outline: last summer holiday, cinema, friends horror movie named “the death of me” telling a couple traveling to the remote island…
speaking part 2: Describe a car you would like to own in the future
Thầy Anh Hướng dẫn trả lời Các em ghi keywords ra sau đó thu âm bài nói của mình để nghe lại nhé. Khi nghe lại, chắc chắn các em sẽ thu được nhiều điều có ích. DESCRIBE A CAR YOU WOULD LIKE TO OWN IN THE FUTURE 1. When did you have the idea…
speaking part 2: shopping for clothes
Describe a place where you go shopping for clothes You should say: Where you usually go how often you shop for clothes how you choose your clothes and explain why you go there (presented by Thay Anh IELTS) Shopping is my hobby. so I often spend my free time doing shopping. I used to buy clothes…
speaking part 2: when you lost something
Describe a time when you lost something. You should say: what is was where and when you lost it how important it was and explain what you did to find it when you realised it was missing. outline diary lost at school during break time Keeping my memory Asking friends, teacher Answer (By Thầy Anh)…
Speaking part 2:Describe a gift you have received that was important to you
Xem thêm SPEAKING PART 1: WEATHER Hướng dẫn viết outline writing task 2 (advantage) Speaking computer
IELTS Speaking : Childhood
Describe a happy childhood memory. You should say: when and where the incident you remember happened who you were with what happened exactly and explain why it is a happy memory.